Department of Education

Our brief for this Annual Report was to widen its audience, particularly to families across the breadth of the Northern Territory, and communicate the Department’s role in delivering education.

Donghai Airlines

Welcoming the first direct flight service between China and Darwin was a special red-letter day for the Northern Territory.

Adventure Rentals

“The journey not the arrival matters.”
These famous words penned by Nobel Prize winning literalist T.S. Eliot sums up the essence of Adventure Rentals.

Hurtle the Turtle

What does one do in finding unusual, special Christmas presents for small grandchildren? Write a storybook of course!

Saltie Gin

SALTIE Gin shares the story of Australia’s Top End through its sensory journey of history, pungent flavours, nature, people and culture.

PHN Northern Territory

Our inspiration for this Annual Report project was drawn from the client’s earthy (but stunningly brilliant) colour palette, as well as leveraging the emphasis they place on the people in their workforce and the people they serve.